When composing her diet, at least once in her life, every girl has thought about which products enhance her breasts and whether this is real. To enlarge the bust without surgeries and other fundamental techniques, interesting cosmetic recipes, various techniques and advice from traditional healers have been used at all times.

However, the greatest importance was given to the diet. There are products that can really work wonders.
Why should you eat certain foods?
The main reason for the formation of unnecessarily small mammary glands is considered a low content of the hormone estrogen in the woman's body. It is this biologically active component that is responsible for the splendor of forms, sexual fullness and a luxurious figure.
You can make up for estrogen deficiency with the help of pharmacy products that contain the necessary substances. However, it is sometimes very difficult to find a medicine. For the mammary glands to become more magnificent, the bust and hips to acquire beautiful contours, it will take a long time to select the hormonal drugs, the use of which is usually fraught with a whole galaxy of side effects.
Breast augmentation products containing specific phytoestrogens are an entirely different matter. No side effects, negative consequences, usage restrictions. Let's take a look at the main gastronomic categories that can be helpful in naturally enlarging the mammary glands.

Spices that promote bust enlargement
Women wishing to replenish their "female arsenal" with phytohormones should pay special attention to a number of spices. There are exhibits worthy of the attention of the most inveterate skeptics.
The record holder for the content of these substances is fenugreek. The plant is used as an independent seasoning for meat dishes, salads, snacks and also combined with other spicy elements.
Fenugreek is found in the famous "hop-suneli" and curry combinations. Based on this, special herbal teas and blends are made, which have a particularly beneficial effect on the female body, give women femininity and sex appeal and improve reproductive function.
Promotes bust and fennel enlargement. The herb is not widely used in cooking, but in folk medicine this herb is indispensable.

Fennel has everything you need not only to give a nice weight to female shapes, but also to improve lactation, to strengthen the reproductive capacity of women. You just need to prepare the plant in the form of a weak tea and drink it a few times a day. The effect will not be long in coming.
Since ancient times, hop cones have been used by people to enlarge the mammary glands. It is because of people's love for this plant that an interesting hypothesis has emerged that beer also contributes to bust growth.
However, instead of a drink with hops, which is often not the best quality, natural and safe ingredients should be preferred. Hop cones should be fermented for 6 to 8 days and drunk in small portions throughout the day. Then you need to take a break of 1-1, 5 months and repeat the course again.
red clover
Red clover is an amazing plant that promotes breast enlargement. It is rich in flavonoids and anticoagulants. It is these chemicals that are involved in estrogen synthesis in a woman's body.

Usually only flowers are used. Prepare the broth and drink it throughout the day in small portions. In this case, a balanced diet and the correct approach in using this drink play an important role.
Vegetables and Soy for Effective Breast Enlargement
Note that even the simplest pulses are capable not only of decorating a table in any kitchen, but also of giving a tempting fullness to the female bust. These products have always graced the diet with their unusual flavor and ability to saturate the body.
Peas and beans contribute to the growth of female mammary glands. The real record holders for phytohormones content are chickpeas, lentils and red beans. The bust of such gastronomic delights will really become more magnificent.
Interesting fact:all the estrogens found in peas and chickpeas cannot be extracted from the plant to obtain a quality pharmaceutical product. If you want to benefit from and replenish your estrogen stores, eat vegetables as often as possible in their natural form. And a healthy diet, in principle, will have a beneficial effect not only on female forms, but also on the beauty and health of hair, skin, nails.

Does the bust grow with the consumption of cereals?
For the bust to be not only plump but also elastic, the ideal amount of estrogen must be supported by large amounts of "building material. "Protein plays its role. Many cereals are rich in protein structures and estrogen-like substances.
You need to regularly replenish your diet with oats, brown rice, and barley porridge. Food is good for the body. These delicious cereals are an excellent base for the formation of tasty and healthy mixtures. For example, oatmeal can be complemented with sweet and sour yoghurt and slices of banana, apple and kiwi.
I need to eat fatty foods: is my bust growing?
The fastest way to achieve fullness of the breasts is the forced formation of fat clumps. The bust is fuller when you gain weight. However, fat masses are fairly unevenly distributed throughout the body.

It has been proven that women with the ideal amount of estrogen have an hourglass figure. When the body starts to gain weight, the fat clumps are deposited precisely in the thigh and chest region. If there is a problem in a woman's body, if there is an estrogen deficiency or a global hormonal imbalance, the "treacherous" fat will be located in the abdomen, legs, arms, face, it will create unpleasant "ears".
In order for the bust to grow even more and the whole figure to be more succulent and magnificent, it is recommended to introduce the following products in the diet:
- Bananas.
- Cocoa.
- Honey.
- Milk.
- Nuts.
- Butter.
- Fatty fish.
- Cheese.